J-MONt, ULTRA q, CHOKECHERRY, NIIS, JIGSAW Youth, kumo99, Illuminati hotties, AND DESTROY BOYS
Shot by @beckshotz and @liz.kushnir
Destroyfest at The Bellwether was a night that I will never forget! After Liza and I found parking, we walked ourselves over to the venue, picked up our press passes, and waited in line alongside all the eager fans. It was my first time ever getting a press sticker, as well as my first time in front of a barricade for a show. The Bellwether is a beautiful venue, and that night they utilized the MainStage area, as well as a side stage upstairs (where they were serving some amazing-smelling chicken nuggets). Liza and I hopped from stage to stage, photographing and filming until our three-song limit was up. In between sets, we connected with a group of fans that held their spot in the center. One girl in particular handed a wig off to the lead singer of Destroyboys, claiming it was tradition to bring a wig to them, as she had done at a previous one of their shows. While Liza was a longtime fan of a few of the groups, I had never heard any of them! The music inspired a mosh pit, a wall of death (as scary as it sounds), and lots of headbanging. I’ve spoken about this before on my photo page, but I really do love the energy that these audiences bring. I love watching a crowd get lost in the moment and go crazy (but Liza did get smushed at one point).
Below is a gallery showcasing all the performances of the night. These are also available on The Kore’s main page as well as my photo page. Thank you again to the team for allowing Liza and I to work on this project! We had an amazing night, and I hope you all enjoy our work!